Pro Calf Plus Cattle Prebiotic, Probiotic, and Enzyme Powder is a specially formulated blend designed to promote digestive health and overall well-being in cattle. This unique powder combines the benefits of prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes to support optimal nutrient absorption and maintain a healthy microbial balance in the digestive system and also improved milk production in cattle.
Chelated Vutrocal Forte is enriched with trace of Minerals and vitamin D3.Its a Nutritional Supplement enriched with high Bioavailable Calcium for Dairy Cattle,Cow,Buffalo,Goat, Sheep,Pig,Poultry,Birds and Livestock Animals. It Improves Milk Production, Fat Percentage, Better Growth, Healthy Pregnancy and complete well-being of the cattle.
Key Features :
Improve Digestive Health
Increase Natural Immunity & Disease Resistance
Improve Milk Production & Milk Fat
Maintains Normal Intestinal Microflora By Competitive Exclusion & Antagonism
Healthy Growth & Weight Gain
Helps to Improve Gut Health
Improve Feed Intake
Higher Bio-availability of Chelated Minerals.
Helps in increase of milk yield.
Useful after De-Worming.
Complete solution for pregnant animals.
Helps in Formation of Strong bones.
Better Health Better Milk Productions.
Provide Strength to Bones of Animals.
Usage Instructions :
For Pro Calf Plus
Large Animal : 25 gm For 5-7 Days
Small Animal : 5-10 gm For 3-5 Days
In Feed : 25 gm to be Mixed in 1 Kg Feed.
For Vutrocal Forte
Large Animal : 100ml Daily.
Small Animal : 50ml Daily.
Poultry : 50ml / 100 Birds Daily.
Fish : 5-7ml per 1kg Feed.
Birds : 5-10ml/100 Birds.
BEST FOR:- Cattle, Cow, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep, Pig, Horse.
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