Pet Electro Plus – Electrolyte Instant Energy Liquid Supplement for Dog, Puppy, Cat, Birds. It Fixes the Physical Problem of Animal Due to Heat, Stress, Dehydration and Improve Overal Health.
Lysoguard-Pet is a PowerFull Liver Tonic For Dog, Puppy and Cat. Lysoguard-Pet boosts the immune functioning and provides resistance against disease including viral & bacterial infection. It improves liver health and functioning and aid in the elimination of systemic toxins also helps to stimulate the growth and multiplication of all liver cells.The supplement will help your pet to eat better and digest all the food easily.
Key Features :
Electrolytes For Pets & Birds.
Prevent Dehydration & stroke.
Fixes the physical problems of Pets due to heat.
Reduces stress in Pets.
Improve Health of Pets
Oral Rehydration, Anti Stress & Anti Diarrhoeal.
Pet Liver Tonic
Protects the liver from the effect of toxins
Helps in Liver Regeneration
Rejuvenate & Regenerate Cells
Improves digestion & absorption
Increase body weight
Usage Instructions :
For Pet Electro Plus
Small Breed Dogs : 10ml twice daily
Large Breed Dogs : 20ml twice daily
Cats : 5ml twice daily
For Lysoguard Pet
Small Breed Dogs : 5-8 ml twice daily
Large Breed Dogs : 10-15 ml twice daily
Cats : 3-5 ml twice daily.
Best For : Dog, Puppy, Cat.
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