Bird Booster Plus is A super and powerful tonic for faster and healthy growth, diseases resistance, immunity building in All Birds & Pegions. A complete tonic with Essential Vitamins, Amino Acids and Minerals for correction of Vitamin, Protein, Minerals and nutritional disorders. It is very useful for better intestinal micro flora management for the faster and healthy growth of Birds.
Bird Plex is an Effective Vitamin B-Complex Supplement, Growth Promoter Tonic for All Birds & Pegions. It protects from Disease and It helps to Improves Immunity, Feather Quality, Weight Gain, Egg Production & Hatchability.
VitaMore Plus is an Effective Multivitamin Liquid supplement for All Birds & Pegions. It Increase Growth, Weight Gain, Egg Production, Eggshell Quality & Enhances Immunity & Disease Resistance.
Key Features :
A Powerful Tonic With Amino Acids, Vitamins & Minerals
Maintain Amino Acids & Protein Reserve in the Body
Prevent Nutritional Deficiency
Improves Growth, Development & Feed Intake
Helps to Gain Normal Condition in Weak & Sick Birds
Improves Body Weight & Fertility
Improves Immunity, Healthy Feather & Enhances Appetite
Reduces Stress in Birds
Improves Overal Health & Diseases Resistance
Increases Immunity & Disease Resistance.
Ensures Relief From All kinds of Stress.
Ensures Body Weight & Feather Quality
Improves Fertility & Hatchability.
Prevent Egg Bindind.
Helps in Breeding Seasons.
Powerful Multivitamin For Birds.
Promotes Faster Weight Gain.
Improves Egg Production.
Better Feather Quality & Structure.
Improves Fertility & Hatchability
Enhances Immunity & Disease Resistance.
Usage Instructions :
For Bird Booster
10-15ml/100 Birds.
2 Drops Per Bird in 30ml of Water.
15ml to be Mixed in 1 Kg Feed.
For Bird Plex
5-10 ml/100 birds.
2 drops per bird in 30ml of water.
10 ml to be mixed in 1 kg feed.
For VitaMore Plus
5-7 ml/100 birds.
1 drops per bird in 30 ml of water.
10 ml to be mixed in 1 kg feed.
BEST FOR:- Birds, Pigeon.
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